Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sucide is a privilage for men --- Ishitha says this.

 This is what today's so called abala naari says about men.

Where we are heading with this society, men who have to be privileged to be respected for their sacrifices  through out their life, This feminist says that men are privileged to be dead. Men are the one because of whom this country is still safe, out brother's who are fighting with our enemy to protect this country risking their life's.

         She says that women has not given a privilege to die? that's laughable at the best. This women definitely got out of her mind. Let  her tell the same thing when her son will commit suicide because of her  daughter in-law's torment. then I will accept that......

These women are speaking with ego that, they got  power with which they can do anything  because of 498a, they are happy that they can misuse it and nobody is there to stop or punish them. But to be frank there is one who will punish them, may be not in this world, but there is some one who is watching. believe it or not, but the sin of killing those innocent men is upon these women who are the reason for suicide of men.

Oh and she says women don't abuse, I my self experienced the severe abuse from my wife and I cant say even one thing in return, Because I am tied up with foolish laws. Why should we protect these women at all? If they feel they are so empowered then every man should remember this and leave them alone. Don't help any women like these, even if they meet accidents, even if they meet with incidents like rape, don't help them. Let them save themselves.

We as a men should help women then get all kind of laws enforced against us. Why?

I prefer to protect women who are really useful for society, Who really strive to make their children a good citizens, But not these kind of feminist.

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